I Learn Quran

Introduction to the Course

The focus of this course is to recite the Quran  accurately, which no doubt requires  dedication and commitment.

The student should have the desire to understand and  learn the complexities of Tajweed   .

The ultimate goal is to recite the Quran in a manner identical to the speech of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Course Outline

  1. Tilawah– Your child will normally learn the Arabic alphabets first and move on to pronounce the words properly. Then he will learn gradually how to recite two and more words together, which will help him to recite the Quran.
  2. Tajweed – The next step after mastering building blocks of Quranic words, is to perfect pronunciation, which basically requires learning and application of some classical rules.

Schedule & Fees

Days*: Sundays

Duration*: 40 minutes per session

Time*: 10 am UK time Fees: £20 per month

*Dates and timings are tentative and may be subject to change

How we teach

How are Classes Conducted?

Classes are conducted via an online learning platform.

Some of the features of our virtual classroom include:

Live Audio Streaming
Content sharing via the White Board
Chat Box for live interaction with the Instructor